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Kashima Roadside Station

It is full of fresh vegetable in season grown and nurtured by nature as well as delicious fish from the Ariake Sea. Their strong point is their freshness with a motto of safety and security. You can also buy all kinds of local souvenirs.
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Kashima Roadside Station

Nori (or laver)

Kashima is the largest producer and seller of nori (or laver) in Japan. Nori produced in the nutrition-rich Ariake Sea is sweet and melts nicely in the mouth. It is truly a masterpiece of nori.
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Nori (or laver)

Mandarin orange

Mandarin oranges grown in large quantities in sea breeze are sweet and juicy. They come into season from October to February.
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Mandarin orange

Inari yokan (or inari sweet-bean jelly)

It is a specialty of Yutoku Inari Shrine. You push out yokan encased in the paper tube from the bottom and then cut it into your favorite size with a thread to eat it. It is also called 'Ito kiri yokan' or yokan to be cut with a thread.
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Inari yokan (or inari sweet-bean jelly)

Nogomi porcelain doll

A Nogomi porcelain doll is a simple ceramic bell in the form of something typical to the local area or a cute animal from Eto or the Chinese zodiac. It is popular as a charm against evil or a good luck charm.
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Nogomi porcelain doll

Asaura Jinpachi bamboo hat

'"Asaura Jinpachi bamboo hat' is 'kaburi-gasa' made of bamboo sheaths, passed down from about 300 years ago. The local community has an association for the preservation of Asaura Jinpachi, and the Asaura Jinpachi bamboo hats are sold at direct sales stores, etc. in the city."
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Asaura Jinpachi bamboo hat

Buryu mask

It is a handmade demon mask manufactured by local wood sculptors. It is popular as an ornament to protect against evil or a souvenir.
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Buryu mask

Kashima nishiki

It is a hand-woven textile made by weaving colorful silk threads and threads made from gold and silver leaf paper together. It is an elegant and delicate work of art. It is also known as Saga nishiki.
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Kashima nishiki

Certified local products

Specialties of Kashima recommended by Kashima City Local Industry Promotion Council are certified as 'Kashima Brand.' Certified products have brand certified seal on them.
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Certified local products

Monzen Shopping Street

The about-400-meter approach leading to the shrine is lined with more than 30 stores such as souvenir stores and restaurants. You can buy the shrine's specialty inari yokan here. A row of beautiful cherry trees pleases visitors' eyes in spring.
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Monzen Shopping Street

Tourism Products Center

Located inside JR Hizen-Kashima Station, it exhibits and sells numerous products and specialties of Kashima.
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Tourism Products Center

Kashima City Tourism Website
Division of Commerce and Tourism, Kashima City
〒849-1312 2643-1 Oaza Nodomibun, Kashima-shi, Saga TEL:0954-63-3412